Find the best car breakdown cover deals for you and apply online

We don't realise how much we depend on our cars until the unthinkable happens. It breaks down at home causing you to be late for that all important meeting, or you find yourself stranded feeling alone and vulnerable in the middle of nowhere! 

Either way, help is available from a whole host of breakdown companies nationwide, at very reasonable prices with good breakdown cover. 

Choosing the right breakdown company for you is very important, as there are several aspects you will need to take into consideration. 

See for yourself how much you could be save by comparing over 100 policies

Use our comparison facility to compare over 100 different breakdown policies. You have the choice as to whether you want to cover your vehicle, (so anyone could be driving your vehicle and still be covered) or you can cover yourself to be the driver or passenger of any vehicle. Decide carefully, because the latter is generally more expensive. However, if you find that you do drive several vehicles then personal cover maybe more beneficial to you than Vehicle cover. 

Secondly, you need to decide which cover would be most appropriate for you. We have broken this down to four variables you can choose from - Bronze, Silver, Gold or Platinum. 

It works by offering you basic assistance at the roadside (Bronze) through to a very comprehensive service offering either alternative transport or hotel accommodation, depending on your circumstances at the time of the breakdown (platinum). 

Finally, depending on which cover you have specified, you can add another vehicle or person onto your policy. However, these additional vehicles/persons must be living at the same address as you to qualify. In some cases partners are added to your policy free of charge! 

Work through our 4-step breakdown channel, and see for yourself how much you could be saving by comparing over 100 policies and 22 providers. You can even apply online for the most competitive schemes!